Timothy Francis Jones Foundation

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Photos courtesy of Norton Advertising and TFJ Foundation.

The Timothy Francis Jones Foundation made it’s first grant of 2019! This was the first grant from the foundation to Adler University, an accredited non-profit university. Adler trains it’s students in the field of mental health in accordance with their founder’s belief that their vocation should benefit the community. To that end, they require their students to apply what they have learned in real life situations through community service. Through Adler University, the students inject mental healthcare into existing organizations outreach efforts in underserved communities. Examples of those problems include social justice issues, re-integration of released inmates and counseling to victims of trauma. Some of the organizations that benefit from this work include Circuit Court of Cook County’s Juvenile & Child Protection Dept., St. Leonard’s Ministries, and Near North Health Services Corporation. All of these services are provided through donations or sponsorships.

The $5,000 grant is slated to support their Complex High Admission Management Program (CHAMP). This program focuses on patients with a high reoccurrence of hospital admissions. The CHAMP team working with patients develop individualized care plans and provide ongoing consultation to shorten the length of hospital stays and reduce the need for additional hospital readmissions.

The event took place at Adler University’s downtown Chicago campus on June 12, 2019. Those in attendance for the foundation were Ed and Bernadette Jones, PJ Jones, Jay Davis and Rich Lomax. Accepting the donation for the university were Mary Jo Lamparski, Heather Schuster, executive director Kevin Osten-Garner and President Raymond Crossman.

The presentation was followed by a working luncheon. Our groups discussed each other’s future projects and possible future collaborations.